What is shienshop
Shienshop women's bags are a brand based in Guangzhou, Guangdong, which started in 2021.
The main product lines of Shienshop women's bags include wallets, women's bags, shell bags, daifei bags, retro bags, G-end bags, ethnic bags, blue and white porcelain bags, handbags, cross-body bags, printed bags, real cowhide bags, Chinese style bags, etc. For a long time, in the city, foreign bags have become popular. Traditional, national things are fading and lacking in autonomy. Nowadays, fashion is no longer just a superficial accumulation of money and luxury, but also needs a kind of spiritual support, and it is more necessary to use external clothing to reflect the inner cultivation.
Shienshop hopes that through the design of bags with 5,000 years of history and 56 national cultures as the carrier, more and more people can find themselves and know the spiritual foundation of "what is neo-classical, what is beauty". Shienshop is not only a women's bag brand, but also has the courage to subvert fashion and match traditional women's bags. The bags with peonies, peonies, magnolias, and lotus lanterns as the protagonists undoubtedly do not reflect the colors of Chinese style.
At this moment, the brands that match Shienshop women's bags in the Home platform database are: they may be different in terms of market popularity, historical precipitation, user reputation, market positioning, etc., but their product lines overlap, providing more space for consumers' diversified choices.
Shienshop is a women's bag brand, the designer's overall design is very old, the style of the product is based on Chinese style and European and American style, the designer injects profound Chinese cultural heritage into fashion, provides a new fashion perspective for independent women, and is committed to making every effort to convey the true value of wanting to present through elegant and unique style bags, in fact, it is the beauty of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures and a correct attitude to life. Shienshop's design concept of combining East and West, makes the product itself appear more novel, retains the traditional craftsmanship while integrating the trendy design, the representative work is a Chinese-style embossed cross-body shoulder handbag, using embossed elements, the temperament is graceful and luxurious, suitable for fashionable, trendy, dare to try the choice of women.